If you were to spontaneously notice a crack or chip in your tooth, you may feel instantly worried and begin to pray that your tooth isn’t beyond the point of repair.
While any type of dental damage or trauma should definitely be examined by a professional, oftentimes, a tooth fracture (if small enough) may not be too much of a threat to the health of the tooth.
However, a more extensive tooth crack, chip or fracture might be severe enough to necessitate a crack diagnosis by our Richmond Hills endodontist. Dental cracks are not always obvious or clear to detect - but certain symptoms, such as irregular pain while chewing, pain with temperature changes in a specific area, or a jagged or sharp edge that can be felt with the tongue - should all be sufficient indicators that a visit to a professional is in order.
That being said, there are several different types of dental cracks or chips that will require different treatment approaches… or may even require none at all.
These include:
The smallest kind of crack a tooth can experience, craze lines are usually nothing to stress over, as they are a part of the enamel layer and will generally stay the same size. These hairline cracks are very common, especially among adults, and are basically a result of regular everyday chewing, but can also result from a teeth grinding or bruxism habit.
While it’s recommended to let your dental care provider know about dental chips of any size, tiny chips are often no cause for concern… however they can present a cosmetic problem for many. The good news is, tiny chips can easily be corrected with a bonding treatment with a general or cosmetic dentist, or even with porcelain veneers.
More extensive fractures or chips that extend deeper into the tooth will always necessitate a prompt visit to the dentist.
These deeper cracks will generally form as a result of severe trauma or injury to the tooth, or can even be created by a large filling. Under more rare circumstances, craze lines will expand and progress into full-on cracks that require professional intervention. Root canal (endodontic) therapy with Dr. Danesh in Richmond Hill is necessary in many cases where a crack extends into the pulp, causing irreversible damage to the tooth.
When it comes to tooth cracks, chip and fractures of any size, remember the warning signs and seek professional aid whenever necessary.
If you’re dealing with any kind of tooth concerns, schedule a visit with Dr. Danesh today - and we’ll help you get to the root of the problem with the best solution possible.