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The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry for Your Endodontic Treatment

oral sedation

Are you someone who suffers from root canal anxiety, or a fear of the endodontist?

Dental anxiety, or a fear of dental procedures, is a common issue that so many people of all ages struggle with - and unfortunately, it often prevents these people from receiving prompt and necessary dental care. And when a patient continues to put off these important dental treatments for long enough, it ultimately results in much more extensive and problematic oral health issues down the line.

But the good news is, there is an effective way to cope with these dental and endodon-tic fears while also providing a host of other benefits for both the patient and practi-tioner: and it goes by the name of sedation dentistry!

Depending on the level of sedation a patient requires in addition to their preferences, they may receive either mild oral sedation or nitrous oxide sedation (popularly known as “laughing gas”) at our office.

So without further ado, let’s get into the exact benefits of sedation dentistry for your endodontic treatment:

1. Relief from stress and anxiety

Patients deserve to feel as relaxed about their root canal procedure as possible. Sedation dentistry allows the patient to get into a much more calm and positive space before and during their endodontic surgery. Keep in mind that the level of anxiety or dental phobia will differ from patient to patient, necessitating varying levels or types of sedation for each.

For patients with severe anxiety, commonly stemming from an unpleasant experience as a child, combining both oral sedation with nitrous oxide can go a long way in eliminating negative emotions and ensuring the most calm and relaxing experience possible.

2. Relief from pain or discomfort

No patient should have to experience any tooth or gum pain during their procedure - and that will never be the case when you’re under the care of our Dr. Danesh! Sedation dentistry helps to provide a completely pain-free treatment experience, as the brain is unable to register any pain while it’s under the influence of these safe and effective anesthetics and sedatives.

3. Gag reflex reduction

While we need our gag reflex to avoid choking, it becomes more of an inconvenience than a life saver during an endodontic procedure. In some cases, the endodontist will need to access deep inside a patient’s oral cavity - therefore it is much better for the patient to be in a more physically relaxed state to help reduce the gag reflex and prevent any potential spasms that can interfere with treatment.

4. It allows Dr. Danesh to work more quickly and efficiently

When a patient is under the influence of dental sedation, they are more relaxed and compliant - allowing for a more smooth and efficient performance from the endodontist. This results in an overall quicker procedure, as well as a more pleasant experience for both Dr. Danesh and his patient.

So, it’s no wonder why sedation dentistry is encouraged for more complex dental procedures like root canal therapy - as the endodontist or dentist can work with much more ease.

Ready to face your endodontic fears and get the work your smile needs?

Sedation dentistry is always here to help make your dental experience a positive one!

Reach out to our expert team at Elgin Mills Endodontics today to schedule your endodontic consultation or procedure, or to learn more about the types of sedation offered at our clinic.

Contact our Elgin Mills Endodontic Specialists team today!